Change of mind-sets is key to economic development. Community development is a gap that has existed in our societies for a while now. The consequences of which are many; cycle of poverty, Joblessness, drug abuse, school drop out by teenagers, trauma, family breakups and the list continues. CICAD believes that our communities can be better than they are if they can embrace change and adopt innovation aimed at developing the communities. the following approaches can be used to realize this objective;
Youth Education and Empowerment
Previous research shows that the greatest population percentage is the youths. than any development process in Africa that does not put into consideration the youths in their numbers is denying Africa a future that is productive. CICAD will remain steadfast in youth empowerment in areas of education, entrepreneurship, leadership, talent development among others. this will happen to ensure that the youths have the capacity to take on leadership and wheel the continent to a better future.
Women Empowerment
United Nations deputy secretary Asha-Rose Migiro once stated that, that when women are empowered the whole society benefits. CICAD believes that by economically empowering United Nations deputy secretary Asha-Rose Migiro once stated that, that when women are empowered the whole society benefits. CICAD believes that by economically empowering the women the whole society stands to benefit. It is for this reason that CICAD has developed clear platform that deals with women issues that hinder their economic empowerment and how to employ innovation in building women economic capacities.